Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Coconut Noodle Salad - Asia Style

here's a yummy, easy, quick and quite healthy recipe for you. 
this is one of those recipes that are born when you just throw together what's left cause you failed at planning your grocery shopping.
it was planned as a warm dish, but turned out to be waaaay better when cold. but either way, it's great and perfect as a starter or a light lunch or dinner.

what you'll need for 2-3 servings:

  • a bunch of rice noodles (about 80g)
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1/2 can unsweetened coconut milk (200-250ml)
  • asian veggies (i used a mixed can wok veggies, but you can use fresh ones as well - good handfull soy bean sprouts, 2 carrots cut in strips, mu err mushrooms, bamboo shoots and babycorn)
  • a bunch of coriander and other herbs
  • soy sauce

what to do:

let rice noodles soak for 5 minutes in one cup of vegetable broth, or if you use a can with veggies you can let it soak in the water thats in the can.

cut zucchini in slices and half them, fry in (coconut) oil until slightly brown. then add veggies and noodles with the liquid, add coconut milk and let cook for another 5-7 minutes. season with soy sauce and maybe some pepper. 
serve with lots of fresh herbs, as coriander which fits perfectly!

 let me know if you tried it and if you liked it! do you have one of those recipes that were born this way? let me know what it was!


  1. Das sieht total lecker aus! Ich kriege total hunger!
    Alles Liebe aus München,

  2. Hört sich echt lecker an ich mag asiatisch sowieso richtig gerne :)
    Danke für deinen Kommentar & du hast eine neue Leserin :)

    Liebst ♥

  3. Wow, das hört sich wahnsinnig lecker an! Werde ich auf jeden Fall mal nachkochen.

    Liebe Grüße, Xenia

  4. This type of dish is right in my wheelhouse, i totally need to try this!

    xx Hélène

  5. i want to eat this right now! looks so good, i will try it!

  6. Que rico es comer saludable.

  7. Das sieht so lecker aus :)

    Liebste Grüße
    Bezaubernde Nana

  8. Hast du dir am Samstag nach noch beim Chinesen Inspiration geholt ;)?! Sieht sehr lecker aus!

    1. haha...ja, war echt so^^ war ne mischung aus meinem salat und dem was vreeni hatte. war echt super lecker, besser noch als das beim chinesen!

  9. Buonissimo!!! Baci e complimenti per il blog Angelichic



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